“We have won,” Prime Minister Orbán told a boisterous crowd in downtown Budapest a few minutes ago. "The high turnout left no room for doubts."


Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s ruling alliance of FIDESZ-KDNP made history today by becoming the first party in Hungary to win three consecutive terms.


“A great battle is behind us,” the prime minister said during his victory address just before midnight. "We’ve taken a decisive victory. We created the possibility for ourselves to protect Hungary.” 


“Today, Hungary took in a great victory.” he said.


With 95 percent of the votes counted, FIDESZ-KDNP is on track to take 133 seats in parliament, a two-thirds majority. The ruling parties won 48.53 percent of the party list vote. Jobbik came in second with 19.61 percent, MSZP-Párbeszed 12.3 percent, LMP 6.87 percent, and DK 5.55 percent. Voter turnout reached 69.41 percent, its highest level since 2002.


On the eve of his third landslide victory, PM Orbán reminded supporters that this is the time when “one must be humble because there’s much to be humble about.”


“I congratulate the voting citizens. The high turnout left no room for doubts,” he said, responding to the many critics who predicted that a high participation rate would not work in the governing party's favor.


Looking to the future, the prime minister said that “our home is not yet standing where it should, but together we will fight.”


He thanked all the Hungarians outside Hungary who, in his words, “helped defend the mother country.”


“I would also like to thank especially those who prayed for us…Soli Deo Gloria,” the prime minister said before inviting the crowd to sing along to the “Kossuth hymn” together.